Association‌ of‌ State‌ &‌ Territorial‌ Dental‌ Directors
3858‌ Cashill Blvd.,‌ Reno,‌ NV‌ ‌89509
Phone‌ 775-626-5008‌‌

ASTDD Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual and Appendices

ASTDD Emergency Preparedness and Response Manual (Developed in 2010 and updated in 2021)

Appendix A.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Self Assessment (WORD template)

Appendix B.

Essentail Documents for Continuity of Operations (WORD template)

Appendix C.

Key Stakeholders in Preparedness Planning Worksheet (WORD template)

Appendix D.

Preparing a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Personal Preparedness (WORD template)

Appendix E.

Personal and Pandemic Preparedness (WORD.doc)

Appendix F.

Pack-and-Go (WORD.doc)

Appendix G.

Office Inventory (WORD template)

Appendix H.

Resource Request Form (pdf)

Appendix I.

Glossary - Definition of Terms & Acronyms (pdf)

Appendix J.

Resources (WORD.doc)