American Indian and Alaska Native Oral Health
Agencies/Organizations and their Resources
Administration for Native Americans
American Indian Policy Institute
CareQuest Institute for Oral Health
- American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Face a Disproportionate Burden of Oral Disease - This white paper is a collaboration between CareQuest Institute and native-led organizations. It explores these disparities, their causes, and possible solutions.
- IHS Response to CareQuest white paper
Community Catalyst
Canadien Paediatric Society
Head Start Dental Hygienist Liasion Project
Indian Health Service
- Agency Overview/Fact Sheets
- Head Start: Start Healthy, Grow Healthy
Indian Health Service Division of Oral Health
- About the Division: e.g., # of clinics, services
- Oral Health Initiatives: e.g., Early childhood Caries, Oral Health Literacy
- Oral Health Databriefs: includes databriefs by age group, infographics and oral health surveillance plans
- IHS Give Kids a Smile Infographic 2020-2022
- IHS Oral Health Status Infographic 2016-2022
- Information on individual IHS and tribal dental programs: search function by area
- Student Dental Externship Program
- Career Opportunities: for dentists and dental hygienists
National American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Collaboration Office
- About NIHB
- NIHB Member Organizations
- Indian Health 101: one-page overview; Indian Health 101: Fulfilling a Promise: 53 min video
- Current Public Health Projects: list with links
- Tribal Oral Health Newsletter and Dental Therapy News
- Tribal Oral Health Initiative with an emphasis on Dental Therapy
Society of American Indian Dentists
National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research
- A Healthy Mouth for Your Baby: handout for AI/AN families.