Association‌ of‌ State‌ &‌ Territorial‌ Dental‌ Directors
3858‌ Cashill Blvd.,‌ Reno,‌ NV‌ ‌89509
Phone‌ 775-626-5008‌‌

ASTDD Publications

This is a partial listing of ASTDD publications and documents. For additional items, search by topic area or look under A-Z

ASTDD Annual Reports

ASTDD Roundup - A bimonthly summary of selected ASTDD consultant, committee, project and meeting summaries







Synopses of State Oral Health Programs Summary Report 2024

Guidelines for State and Territorial Oral Health Programs - Since the 1980s ASTDD has used the Guidelines for State and Territorial Oral Health Programs to assist health agency officials and public health administrators to develop and operate strong oral health programs. The Guidelines includes a matrix of oral health program roles for each of the Ten Essential Public Health Services to Promote Oral Health, categorized under the three public health core functions of Assessment, Policy Development and Assurance. It includes examples of specific activities for each role. Links to selected resources to help states accomplish the activities are included in a separate Resources document. The Guidelines promote integration of oral health activities into public health systems to assure healthy populations and communities for tomorrow. (March 2021)

Competencies for State Oral Health Programs - These competencies represent those skill sets needed for a successful state oral health program, whether they are present in oral health program staff or are obtained from other programs or outside sources. To reflect varying levels of skills, four levels of attainment are included for each competency. Competencies can help states determine where the program stands and what are realistic expectations and aspirations. The competencies were developed as companion tool to the Guidelines for State and Territorial Oral Health Programs. (2022)

Infrastructure Enhancement Project - This 50+ page report reviews State Oral Health Program (SOHP) infrastructure from 2000 to 2010 and the programs' capacity to address Core Public Health Functions and deliver the 10 Essential Public Health Services.  It includes Lessons Learned, Recommendations, Next Steps and a table on Return on Investments. Shorter, targeted versions for specific audiences, e.g., funders, policymakers, oral health coalitions, health agency administrators, will be posted as soon as they are available. (2012)

"Building Infrastructure and Capacity in State and Territorial Oral Health Programs" - The document focuses on building infrastructure and capacity for state and territorial oral health programs. An infrastructure consists of systems, people, relationships, and the resources that would enable state oral health programs to perform public health functions. Capacity enables the development of expertise and competence and the implementation of strategies. Building infrastructure and capacity is a high priority for state and territorial oral health programs since this will help achieve national, state and territorial oral health objectives. (2000)

ASTDD Services - ASTDD provides state and territorial oral health programs with technical assistance, support and learning opportunities to help them build effective programs and systems, and implement environmental change strategies.  This brochure describes the various types of technical assistance with associated tools and resources available from ASTDD.

Why are ASTDD and State Oral Health Programs Important? This document "makes the case" for why federal, national, state, and local agencies and organizations should support SOHPs and ASTDD and include them in their oral health promotion efforts. (March 2012)

State Oral Health Program Flyer

State Oral Health Program Brochure trifold version

ASTDD Brochures - ASTDD has a promotional brochure that highlights ASTDD as an organization, and our membership categories. There are two versions of the brochure; one is a tri-fold and the other reads left to right for double-sided copying without folding.

State Oral Health Programs: make them part of your public health experience and future career
One-pager to promote state oral program experiences and careers to dental and dental hygiene students and dental public health residents. (September 2016)
