State Oral Health Program Competencies and Competency Tools
State/Territorial Oral Health Competencies and Competency Tools
State/Territorial Oral Health Competencies (2022). While the ASTDD Guidelines reflect roles and activities for State/Territorial Oral Health Programs (S/TOHP), the Competencies represent skills that might be needed to successfully achieve the activities and roles. Competencies are categorized under eight general Domains. Each Competency includes a table of five Skill Levels with examples. (pdf)
Appendix A. Directions for Using the Competencies and Assessment Tools. Includes suggestions for using the Competencies, description of each assessment tool and its use, description of an onsite team assessment process and follow-up steps. (pdf)
Appendix A2. Abbreviated Directions for an ASTDD S/TOHP Competencies Assessment. For team members who don't need as many details. (pdf)
Appendix B. Abbreviated Program Competencies Assessment Tool. Includes columns for the team as a group to rate the current program level and desired program level on the 16 Guiding Principles and 8 Competency Domains and note strengths, priority areas for improvement, possible enablers and potential barriers, and next steps. (docx)
Appendix C. Individual Competencies Assessment Tool. Each team member rates their own current skill level on each of the competencies, desired skill level, relevance to their current job responsibilities and a summary of perceived strengths, areas for potential improvement, facilitators, and barriers. (docx)
Appendix D. Summary Program Competencies Assessment Tool. This form is used for compiling team member scores on the Individual Assessment forms into a summary of ratings on each Competency and to list group strengths, priority areas for improvement, possible enablers, potential barriers, and next steps. (xlsx)
Appendix E. Guidelines Program Assessment Tool. Includes columns for the team as a group to rate the current program level and desired program level on the 10 Essential Public Health Services to Promote Oral Health, which serve as the framework for the ASTDD Guidelines, and to note strengths, priority areas for improvement and suggested actions for improvement. (docx)
Appendix F. Competencies Assessment Evaluation Form. Form for the team to provide feedback on the assessment process and its usefulness. (docx)
Appendix G. Competencies Action Plan Template. Table for documenting next steps to "actionalize" the Competencies. (docx)
Appendix H. Professional Development Resources for State/Territorial Oral Health Programs. List with descriptions and links to potential learning opportunities through ASTDD, other national organizations and federal agencies, and an area to insert regional, state/territorial, or local resources. (docx)