Dental Public Health Workforce
ASTDD Resources
ASTDD State/Territorial Oral Health Program Competencies and Assessment Tools
ASTDD Best Practice Approach Report: The Role of Oral Health Workforce in Access to Care (March 2019)
ASTDD Best Practice Approach Report: Developing Workforce Capacity in State Oral Health Programs (January 2016)
The State Oral Health Workforce: Examining the Present and Planning for the Future at the State Health Agency Level - ASTDD and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials partnered to present "The State Oral Health Workforce: Examining the Present and Planning for the Future at the State Health Agency Level." (February 2016)
Other Organizations Resources
American Dental Association Health Policy Institute: The Dentist Workforce - Insights from the ADA Health Policy Institute on the current and future supply of dentsist and shifting demographics wirhin the workforce
American Dental Education Association: State and Federal Loan Forgiveness Programs webpage
American Dental Hygienists' Association Innovate Workforce Models webpage
American Institute for Dental Public Health Workforce webpage
Health Resources and Services Administration Oral Health Care Provider Model Components webpage
The Health Workforce Research Centers support research to assist decision-makers at the federal, state and local levels to better understand health workforce needs. List of Centers and the Focus of each
- State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany, Center for Health Workforce Studies, Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) - Supporting informed workforce planning and development
- State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany, Center for Health Workforce Studies, Oral Health Workforce Research Center (OHWRC) - Improving the nation's oral health services
- University of California at San Francisco, Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care - Preparing the health workforce to meet the nation's long-term care needs
- University of Michigan, Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center - Promoting a skilled behavioral health care workforce
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Program on Health Workforce Research and Policy - Developing the health workforce
- University of Washington, Center for Health Workforce Studies Allied Health - Building the health workforce through allied health professions
- University of Washington, Center for Health Workforce Studies Health Equity - Addressing issues of health equity and health workforce diversity
MN Dept of Health. Dental Therapists and Advanced Dental Therapists
National Conference of State Legislatures Workforce Strategies to Improve Access to Oral Health Care