ASTDD Membership Categories and Benefits
2022 New Member Services Annual Report
ASTDD Associate Member Quotes
"My career in oral health has taken me many places throughout the country. During this time, I always made sure to continue my ASTDD associate membership. In fact, it was because of my membership that l learned of the job that brought me back home. Thanks to ASTDD, I am now home in Rhode Island serving as its Dental Director." Samuel Zwetchkenbaum, Dental Director, Rhode Island
"When I joined the ASTDD I had no idea that it would lead to helping set our nation's public health priorities. But it did. When working with the CDC as a member of the ASTDD Data Committee, I was asked to give feedback and comment on the Healthy People 2030 oral health objectives. I am grateful for the opportunity." Beth Anderson, Oral Health Epidemiologist, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
"As the ASTDD Liaison to the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, ASTDD has given me the opportunity to combine my two lifelong career passions. The experience has been incredible. Thank you ASTDD!" Barbara Park, Public Health Consultant, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
"I knew very little about oral health when I joined ASTDD. I quickly got involved in committees, presented at conferences, and made friends all over the country. Who could have imagined that in only six years I would be on the ASTDD Board of Directors. I'm amazed every time I think of it." John Welby, Director, Oral Health Literacy, Maryland Office of Oral Health
"Thank you so much for the welcome and orientation call. I am new to oral health and feel overwhelmed. The call and ASTDD have made me feel more comfortable in my position. I appreciate all you do!" Amy Spieker, Wyoming Primary Care Association
"I am very appreciative of the welcome and orientaion call and I am looking forward to working with the members of ASTDD." Sherelle Briers, Program Executive, The OH Card
"This is so impressive for an organization to have such a personal touch with the members." Veronica Gates, Branch Director, Office of Oral Health
Membership Categories
State & Territorial Oral Health Program Membership
The State/Territorial Oral Health Program Membership category is for the Chief Dental Public Health Officer (Dental Director) of each State or Territorial Health Department or equivalent agency and all oral health program staff, including residents, interns, and students, who work directly for the State/Territorial Oral Health Program in its central office. This does not include staff who work in regional or county programs. The individual dental director is considered the voting Member and staff are non-voting Associate Members. Once dues are paid for the year, membership is transferable even if the individual acting as State/Territorial Dental Director or staff changes.
Individual Associate Membership
Individual Associate Membership is open to individuals from a public agency, voluntary organization or tribal entity, or health professionals employed or interested in dental public health.
Organizational Associate Membership
Organizational Associate Membership is open to not-for-profit organizations other than State/Territorial Oral Health Programs. This membership opportunity entitles organizations to one primary associate member contact and additional associate member contacts.
Apply Online
Apply online for Individual Associate Memberships and Organizational Associate Memberships by clicking the link below. If you have a question about a State & Territorial Oral Health Program Membership please contact us.
Membership Benefits
State & Territorial Oral Health Program Membership |
Individual Associate Membership |
Organizational Associate Membership (for organizations other than State/Territorial Oral Health Programs) |
Dues | $400/yr | $75/yr | $400/yr for first four and then $75 for each addiitonal |
Qualify for the ASTDD member rate when registering for NOHC | X | X | X |
Access ASTDD listservs - Send questions to other ASTDD Members and Associate Members, share information about your programs/activities, view responses to inquiries from other listserv members, view information about other listserv members program/activities; | State/Territorial Dental Directors are automatically enrolled in the State/Territorial Dental Directors' only listserv as well as an all member listserv | Associate Members are automatically enrolled in the Associate Members' only listserv as well as an all member listserv | Organizational Associate Members are automatically enrolled in the Associate Members' only listserv as well as an all member listserv |
Receive and contribute to the ASTDD electronic Weekly Digest | X | X | X |
Receive and contribute to the bi-monthly ASTDD Roundup. | X | X | X |
Access the members' only section of the website including archived webcasts and audio conferences and a downloadable Basic Screening Survey Manual and Basic Screening Survey training videos | X | X | X |
Increase your understanding of dental public health and state/territorial oral health issues by serving on ASTDD committees | X | X | X |
Access professional development (fluoridation training, educational conferences, special programs, webinars, workshops) | X | X | X |
Receive notices of resources and funding opportunities | X | X | X |
Access to ASTDD consultants (Basic Screening Survey TA has some restrictions based on state/territorial CDC funding status) | X | X | X |
Eligibility to serve as an Officer | State/Territorial Dental Director | ||
Full voting privileges (election of Officers and Directors, vote on Policies, Bylaws changes etc) | State/Territorial Dental Director | ||
Eligibility to serve as the Associate Member Director on the ASTDD Board of Directors | State/Territorial Oral Health Program staff | X | X |
Eligibility to vote for the Associate Member Director on the ASTDD Board of Directors | State/Territorial Oral Health Program staff | X | X |
Eligibility for mentoring program, program reviews and technical assistance | X | ||
Listing as Organizational Associate Member on the ASTDD homepage and as an Organizational Associate Member on the ASTDD Membership Directory | X |